April 28, 2011

Quick Tip: Study and Listen

handwriting, originally uploaded by *L*u*z*A*
One of the things I love to do when studying for a history CLEP (History of the United States 1 & 2, Western Civilization 1 & 2, Social Sciences and History) or DANTES (The Civil War and Reconstruction, Western Europe: Since 1945, History of the Vietnam War, Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union) is to listen to era-appropriate music.

Pandora.com is an awesome resource for this, since you can create a "radio station" with just the right composers. For example: I'm studying Russia right now, so I'm in the mood for some Russian classical music. Bring up the Wikipedia article on "Music of Russia" and I read about the Mighty Five: Balakirev, Rimsky-Korsakov, Mussorgsky, Borodin, and Cui. Voilà, I have an entire station devoted to Russian classical music. It really helps get me in the mood, and lends some interest to hours of sometimes-tedious study.

If you don't have a Pandora account then I highly recommend it. It's free to sign up at www.pandora.com!
                                                                                                               Happy CLEPing,